Just When I Thought I Had Lost Faith in Falling in Love...

If anything else needs to be explained, we cannot be friends...because you simply don't get me :-)
P.S. I'm no longer just a fan...I'm officially a stalker and oh so proud of it!!
...because each of us are always on the verge of the next big thing in our lives.
Where do I begin?! Last night was incredibly weird and peculiar, in the fun and crazy sense of the words.
So, last night I decided to get CRUNK all by myself (like the drunk that I am) while watching my boi Nick dance his little hot ass off…this was before I decided it was imperative for me to watch Reality Bites and reminisce on how brilliant Ethan Hawke (my LOVAH) is as Troy!!
So, I started my period this afternoon :-) Yeah, I know, I’m a guy and we don’t “technically” get tha “flow”…but I think any man will tell you we experience hormone fluctuations too. And researchers have even named the condition IMS (irritable male syndrome). The male version of the overly-hyped PMS, it’s something that all men are afflicted with but that few properly acknowledge.
The respect of great people is important to me. I believe that great people should keep the company of other great people. And we should never settle for what we perceive as less than greatness. I’m continuously trying to incorporate that mantra into my life. In a world abundant with average, it’s easy to settle. Striving for greatness can be exhausting, but it is well worth the time, energy & patience.
With some of the most important people in my life contemplating some huge decisions in their lives and how they're going to execute them, I’ve decided it can’t hurt to ask myself the question, “What’s next for me?!”
Elkland is Officially Too Cool For School
Should I be disturbed that my boss, a 40ish-year-old gay male, took this pic at the agency-wide booze (I mean boat) cruise last week?! I think I might be more disturbed that he actually chose to share it with me and the owner of the other ass...
And can we have a round of applause going out to my ass for actually showing up that day!! I actually had forgotten that I had one, it disappears so often :-)
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about putting myself back in circulation where dating is concerned. Not that I’ve technically been out of circulation the past couple months, but I’ve been especially comfortable and content with not having an ATM (at the moment) guy. The only thing holding me back from getting back out there in the game is the extreme exhaustion that comes with playing that field.
I believe strongly that we should never be sorry for doing something we feel in our hearts to be right. We as mature human beings must learn to make choices with conviction, as well as acknowledge, accept & respect the decisions of others (especially those decisions made by key players in our lives).
Oh the beauty of raging alcoholics getting together for some hardcore boozing on the agency dime…add the fact that the first 5 hours were on a boat and I was in heaven!! Yesterday was the annual boat cruise/party that the agency throws to celebrate how fabulous we are as a group and individuals. It was quite interesting for me since this was the first agency-wide function I would have had the opportunity to take part in since coming aboard. And boy did I come aboard that ship!!
A year older and a bigger lush than ever before, but I’m embracing the big 2-3 and my soiled liver like a pro. And I realized last night that I’ve reached a new landmark, since I had trouble getting to sleep with no fresh alcohol in my system. So I downed a wine cooler and called it a day!