All(coholics) Aboard
Oh the beauty of raging alcoholics getting together for some hardcore boozing on the agency dime…add the fact that the first 5 hours were on a boat and I was in heaven!! Yesterday was the annual boat cruise/party that the agency throws to celebrate how fabulous we are as a group and individuals. It was quite interesting for me since this was the first agency-wide function I would have had the opportunity to take part in since coming aboard. And boy did I come aboard that ship!!
It went better than expected, seeing as it was quite easy to show everyone what a rock-star I am and make them fall in love with me as a person. Next, I must intoxicate them with my impressive work…but this was definitely a start of a beautiful relationship between KBP & me. On a related quite hilarious note, it just so happens that the assistant to one of the Co-Chairmen of the agency is in love with me. I knew I was going to have to set some boundaries when while I was draining myself of toxins after the booze cruise at Half King Bar, I heard R.P. on the other side of the door, "Where’s my boyfriend?"…LOL…I faintly remember agreeing to allow him to take me out to dinner on Tuesday night, and I’m sure he’ll hold me to it. This could be trouble! I definitely need to borrow B.C.’s "This Won’t Go Anywhere" t-shirt!!
I’m hoping this weekend will be a nice and relaxing one. The weather is predicted to be completely gorgeous, and I don’t have any plans that are going to take much energy out of me.
Before I go, I must share the quote of the day stated by an anonymous kbper to M.P. at work this morning: "Did Katie go home with a gay boy?!" The obvious answer is no, but I laughed for an hour knowing that gay boy in question was/is me :-)
Just another day (and night) in the life of a drunk, gay and fabulous New Yorker.

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Saturday, September 10, 2005 12:01:00 AM
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