The Next Big Thing In Life & In Music
With some of the most important people in my life contemplating some huge decisions in their lives and how they're going to execute them, I’ve decided it can’t hurt to ask myself the question, “What’s next for me?!”
The arguably biggest decision of my life happened 18 months ago this coming Friday. My move to New York was monumental in so many ways. I still get teary-eyed when thinking back on the strength that it took to make that plunge, and where I might be if I would have opted out on that huge choice. Coming out to my family was a breakthrough, my entrance onto the advertising scene at kbp was a step in the right direction, but I’m not sure what’s next. Hopefully the deliberations of people close to me will (continue to) challenge me to work at discovering the next big thing, instead of waiting for the universe to bring it my way.
On a lighter note, I saw an incredibly intriguing band play this Saturday at Rothko on the LES. Elkland not only has a great sound, but they are aesthetically delicious. They’ll be in NYC again on the 26th of this month at the Mercury Lounge if anyone’s down! I'll be there, especially since it's a couple blocks from my pad :-)

Elkland is Officially Too Cool For School
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Sunday, September 18, 2005 8:25:00 PM
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Sunday, September 18, 2005 8:25:00 PM
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