...because each of us are always on the verge of the next big thing in our lives.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Zoloft Martini, Extra Olives!!

So, last night I decided to get CRUNK all by myself (like the drunk that I am) while watching my boi Nick dance his little hot ass off…this was before I decided it was imperative for me to watch Reality Bites and reminisce on how brilliant Ethan Hawke (my LOVAH) is as Troy!!

I pass out at 10:30…

Skip to this morning…

My mind has been hugely conflicted today…and deeply troubled. There have been some peculiar universal rifts lately that have been throwing me off, and I don’t like it one bit. But I always say that disruption fosters great change…that is if you let it. Where’s my Zoloft Martini, goddammit??!!!

Thank god (who, btw, is totally fucked up if TX gets shit on by Rita) tonight’s OC night. I really need my Adam Brody right now. I can be such a cuddle whore sometimes, but never to the high degree that M.D. is one. *wink* (I love you, Homey G Slice) :-)

On a final note, can we talk about how much gay people trifle me?! Cause it’s A GREAT DEAL. I need more straight friends, that’s all there is to it.


Self-prescribed advice for the day:
When life’s a bitch, bitch-slap it!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So here's your comment, as promised... dear heart. Since we've talked, not much has happened b/c it was only like, 2 hours ago. Anyway, I really do enjoy your blog. Love ya honey- bunny!

Saturday, September 24, 2005 11:54:00 PM


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