This past weekend can be recorded as yet another fun and eventful 60-plus-hours-off-from-work in the so-called life of one D.W.M.
Fittingly, the weekend started off with a visit to my home away from home, Verlaine. I met up some of my Sterling peeps to guzzle lychee martinis and talk shit like we seem to do so well. It’s great when you find yourself surrounded by a group of people that you don’t really have all that much in common with, but your love of a good time and a great happy hour are enough to make for a terrific night.

After a fun-filled night of my favorite fruit and some So You Think You Can Dance (which I’m in love with), I woke up reluctantly on Saturday morning and accompanied B.C. to J.K.’s place to breathe life into his UWS digs. And I must say, DAMN. These gay boys have skills!!

After an exhausting day of preparation, it was a quick jet to my place and back to get gorgeous. The party was fun, thanks in part to Miss. Malibu and the other good company I tend to keep.

Click the link below to see more pics of the partay:
It was so good in fact that the cab driver had a difficult time waking me up when arriving at E. 3rd Street! But the best part is I woke up NOT hungover! I worship Miss. Malibu.
Sunday included the most memorable experience I’m afraid. See, there’s a reason I don’t live in Jersey and/or work in Jersey and/or visit Jersey. A gang of gay boys and I were heading across the river after a Kichenette & Century 21 appointment, having no idea what was in store for us. What was in store for us was a $74/person fine for illegally boarding the train without tickets. O-M-G-W-T-F-M-F-F (my exact thoughts.). At least we didn’t go to jail, even though J.S. might have been in favor of releasing some of his "bottomless tension" in a prison cell!! Overall, I would have to say I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend, spending time with great people and making great stories!
Bitch Katrina Update: My family is A-okay. There’s a great deal of wind damage, and no power, but people in other areas have the right to be much more depressed. And it's hard to be pissed that Mother Nature fucked up my Labor Day plans when there are people whose houses are flooded and everything they had is ruined. I still have no clue where I’ll be this coming weekend, but I guess the worst-case scenario isn’t all that bad: I sleep all weekend and forget that I ever had plans at all. Hopefully it won’t come to that.
Until next time, do what feels right and enjoy the pics!