Recovering Alcoholic

On a more disturbing note, David discovered last night that he is currently experiencing serial short-term memory loss. Yesterday it was his keys, yesterday afternoon it was his planner, and last night it was his metro card (not to mention his lunch and chapstick this morning). He doesn’t quite know what to think about this bout of epilepsy that his brain has been experiencing, but I definitely think more sleep wouldn’t hurt!
On a happy note, I was pleasantly surprised yesterday by a small donation that my parents made to my favorite charity, Alcoholics Anonymous (aka my bank account). My pride wanted to reject the donation, but my liver wouldn’t let a silly thing like pride come between me and the man of my life, Vodka And! And it was a legitimate gift for starting my new job. On the card, they cleverly mentioned that the money might be best used for new clothes or my insurance (Cobra) until my new plan kicks in next month. I went out last night instead.
Random "Exactly My Point" Moment of the Week:
Why do people in my office need 4 options of sweeteners for their coffee?! Like we (humans) don’t already have enough decisions to make. Sugar, Sweet-N-Low, Equal or Splenda. What the hell is Splenda? I’m not even sure, but the older crowd loves it. And don’t even get me started about the 4 options of creamers: half & half, skim milk, 1% milk, and whole/vitamin D milk. Now the difference between the 2nd and 3rd choice here is smaller than my girlfriend’s dick. * pause * Exactly my point.
P.S. please excuse my need to place a picture of Miss Malibu on my blog…she is a dear friend of mine! and yes, something is wrong with that picture: the glass is not full :-)
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