I Knew I Liked Kate Hudson (& not just in Almost Famous)
So, I made it through the "first-week-of-a-new-job gauntlet" with minimal scars and a bit of comfort. Although I currently don’t have the most mind-challenging responsibilities, I know that in time the right opportunity will come along. Hopefully, that opportunity will be at K&B; but for now, I’m going to be happy with what I have: a great apartment to myself, a job at a great ad agency, and no great boy to tie me down. Okay, so the latter of those conjures a tad bit of bitterness.
I don’t quite understand why I’m constantly contradicting myself on that front. I don’t want to commit; however, I want some of the benefits that a committed relationship affords.
And it’s not that I am trying to beat the monogamy horse to death, but Kate Hudson agrees that monogamy is unrealistic. In an interview for Access Hollywood, the 26-year-old actress said, "I don't believe (monogamy) is realistic. But, I believe that we, as people, have the power to make it happen."
Power to the people. Where these people are, I’m not quite sure!
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