...because each of us are always on the verge of the next big thing in our lives.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Anyone Fancy a 4G*?!

What can I say? I’m a sucker for a good time. To summarize: I drank like it was my job, spent money like I have it, and had way more fun that it's legal to have in most states.

Therapy, Psychotic Episode, Eatery, Sheep Meadow, Beer Pong, Sea, Hipsters on Skateboards, Lychee Martinis, Bank @ Element, Kamikaze Shots, Dancing, 4G, Mimosas, Sheep's Meadow, Caramel Frappucino…stick a fork in me…done & done.

[Who started putting an "apostrophe s" on the Central Park grazing space? Doesn't it sound awkward without it? Discuss.]

Shout-outs go out to D, J, T, E…oh, and KT for Mexico. Oh, and to that woman that we passed on the sidewalk that was passed out & bleeding from her mouth. I really hope her afternoon perked up!

This post is brought to you by the letters AA. Remember, it’s for quitters.

Q.O.T.W. (Quote of the Week)
Dancing makes me sexually irresponsible. (inspired my Footloose)

Check this bitch out: Chelsea Handler

Oh, and there's always this:

*for the record, 4G is my apartment number (not my clever way of spelling the act of having sex with 3 other people).

Sunday, April 23, 2006

If You Chase Two Rabbits, Both Will Escape.

That's what "they" say, but who wants to chase rabbits anyhow?! :)

Two tunes currently in heavy rotation in my life’s soundtrack are Dido’s Hunter & The Fray’s All At Once. If you knew the lyrics, you’d totally get it.

No one has ever been able to hold my interest for very long. Does that make me a bad person?

It’s amazing how quickly we can pass through something. We’re into something one minute, out of it the next. The chemistry can disappear just as quickly as it makes its first appearance. And I guess I’ve lately been looking to increase my chances, better my odds, at finding something different/special by putting myself out there more.

I might always have the issues that I currently possess (you know the ones), but I’m ready to accept them as reality and push through them. If you’re new, here are a few examples of these road-blockers:

There’s my tendency to compare sex (I’m convinced that the NOW sex should be the BEST), not to mention my “I-can-do-better” complex, my self-involvement, and my need to be mysterious. It’s all a bit much, don’t ya think?!

But at least I have knowledge of myself. I’ll just have to create my own happily ever after.

TV Quote of the Week:

"Every song ends, is that any reason not to enjoy the music!" (Peyton from One Tree Hill)

Friday, April 21, 2006

AIM Convo of the Week

You know those times when you're chatting online and you just feel the need to copy & paste part of your conversation. This was one of those times!

other_person (2:09:17 PM): I should have known something was up when we didn't have sex until our seventh date
davidwattsmiller (2:12:53 PM): 7th? wow...that almost could be considered courting!
other_person (2:14:43 PM): that's what got me...I was so flattered and felt so good about the direction things were going
other_person (2:14:53 PM): that I forgot I'm a gay man in teh city...so either he had some sort of disease or he was a psycho
davidwattsmiller (2:16:40 PM): when this guy told me he didn't drink, and wouldn't admit to being in AA, i had to let him go....i can't trust someone like that.
other_person (2:18:45 PM): know what's funny?
other_person (2:19:07 PM): I have one rule when I start dating someone: No matter how terrible the truth is, always come clean with me and we stand a good chance of getting over it and working things out
other_person (2:19:27 PM): I virtually give one get-out-of-jail free card...and yet people still are all about lying
davidwattsmiller (2:24:11 PM): can i steal your rule?
davidwattsmiller (2:26:25 PM): it's pretty smart....yeah, i'm stealing it
other_person (2:28:41 PM): sure...
other_person (2:28:43 PM): it's all yours
other_person (2:28:50 PM): I've got a million little treasures tucked away
other_person (2:28:57 PM): so back to your taint...
davidwattsmiller (2:29:02 PM): lol
davidwattsmiller (2:29:43 PM): mr. vague and dr. taint
davidwattsmiller (2:30:06 PM): what should the theme song be?
other_person (2:30:14 PM): I wonder what our signal would look like when the police commisioner need to get in touch with us
other_person (2:30:25 PM): hmm...the song has got to peg us exactly
other_person (2:33:49 PM): I'm torn between "I Want Your Sex" and "My Heart Will Go On"
davidwattsmiller (2:34:15 PM): nothing's coming to mind...i'm sure it will come to us at a bar while licking salt off each other.
other_person (2:34:51 PM): I'm onto at least one of your superpowers...
other_person (2:35:22 PM): the ability to distract...and awake sleeping creatures...with your words
davidwattsmiller (2:35:48 PM): lol
davidwattsmiller (2:36:43 PM): what can i say?! i have this thing with licking people....lol....my name is david, and i'm a licker
other_person (2:37:10 PM): welcome david
other_person (2:37:15 PM): the first step is admitting you have a problem
other_person (2:37:24 PM): the second step is practice, practice, practice until perfect
other_person (2:37:39 PM): and I, out of the kindness of my heart, would like to volunteer to be your sponsor
davidwattsmiller (2:38:29 PM): aw, that's so sweet....so where should i place the salt first, mr. sponsor?
other_person (2:42:48 PM): well, since you seem to have such a fondness for taint...
other_person (2:42:55 PM): I mean...
other_person (2:43:15 PM): no wait, that's exactly what I meant
other_person (2:43:53 PM): I'll only be in control for the first six, or seven months...after that, you'll need to start taking steps to place the salt where you want it

davidwattsmiller (2:44:16 PM): i see
other_person (2:44:32 PM): too much?
davidwattsmiller (2:44:56 PM): that would be my longest sponsorship ever!...lol
other_person (2:45:17 PM): then you obviously haven't found the right sponsor yet
davidwattsmiller (2:47:06 PM): it takes time, ya know....to find someone you lick, that licks you....and to keep licking that same person....
other_person (2:47:40 PM): and you have officially awoken the grizzly bear from hibernation
other_person (2:47:43 PM): good going Dr. Taint
other_person (2:47:55 PM): it does take time...and it can't be forced.
other_person (2:48:18 PM): but licking all over the city is absolutely nothign compared to licking the same person over and over again once you've found him
davidwattsmiller (2:48:42 PM): and sometimes it's good to force it!
davidwattsmiller (2:49:02 PM): because once you're in, you're in.
davidwattsmiller (2:49:09 PM): lol
other_person (2:52:00 PM): holy crap

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Dangerous Muse?!

Oh look, it’s 4/20. Happy Hashing!! I’m laying low tonight in favor of David-time and a fresh episode of The OC. Trust me, lame is the new fun!

So, I came to the realization today that I am going to be an extremely obese older man if I don’t soon change my lifestyle. No question. The caloric intake from alcohol alone will make me “lot to love” the second my metabolism puts on the brakes. And since it’s one of those things that could happen at any moment, although probably not for at least a few more years, I guess I have a choice to make.

a) start eating healthier
b) stop binge drinking
c) get into (better) shape
d) do none of the above

Let’s be honest: a & b are never going to happen, c would require more physical energy than I’ve exerted in ages, but d I can do! But I did decide to go jogging on the East River today to sweat off some pent-up toxins. And if I go jogging tomorrow, miracles do happen. I’ve been thinking about getting into yoga, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t like the reality near as much as I like the idea. I’m just one lazy bastard.

What’s my point? I don’t have one. Oh, and that “State of the Union” thing…it’s gonna have to wait ‘til the weekend. My brain’s still swimming after a long week of debauchery, climaxing last evening with (pun intended) me spilling two (count them 2) pre-paid adult beverages on my date. Break the ice, break the glass(es); same difference…right, Fast E?!

Shout-Out to Dangerous Muse:

Check these bois out! You can thank me later :)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

State of the Union

I arrived home safe and (at least physically) sound from my weekend getaway to the District late Sunday evening. I woke up late on Monday, relishing in my decision to take a personal day. The weekend was great. See BWC, check. See Mikey D, check. Hit up ridiculous black fag bar and rowdy cowboy bar in the same weekend, check, check! And of course, the weekend was not without its fair share of drama and great short stories. For example: (1) there was an incident with a dyke “head of security”, (2) there was nakedness on an Aerobed, (3) my bestie decided to move to D.C. (yeah, nothing big)!

I was reminded of why I’m not in a relationship (or of at least one of the reasons). The other being I have A.D.D. where boys/men are concerned.

(More on this later because I’m completely exhausted right now. The title of this post will make much more sense later. TRUST.)

Don't We Look Like One Big Happy Gay Family?!

Me & My D.C. Boys at Remingtons

P.S. the nakedness only involved one person in these pics (just in case you were wondering)!

Monday, April 10, 2006

I’ve Relapsed

My crush on Ricky Martin has resurfaced.

The story is cold, but the pictures are OH SO HOTT!!

So, I have to admit I’m currently watching the CMT Music Awards. I’d like to give a shout-out to multi-award winner Carrie Underwood and just ask a simple question. Am I the only one whose Gaydar goes crazy when seeing Billy Currington live?! This boy is gorgeous and GAY!!

And lest we forget Easter, here is my little gift to each of you:

In slightly related news, I’ll be heading to D.C. for the holiday to see my boi B.W.C. & bestie M.S.D. (who will be visiting from DFW). I officially can’t wait!

Cheers Queers :)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

(: Happy Anniversary :)

This week came and went and I almost completely forgot that this past Tuesday was the anniversary of a very important beginning in my life. Any guesses?!

I hate the guessing game too, so I’ll get right to it. This past week was the one-year anniversary of not only my blog, but also my (familial) coming-out. Yes, it’s been a whole year since I conjured up the courage to fess-up to my family about my sexuality. And that courage led, as most of you know, to the conception of this blog. Fortunately, this thing wasn’t just a phase for me. Rather, it’s been a vital source of therapy and a much-needed outlet for my creativity throughout the past twelve months.

For those of you who have shared in my life, whether live or through my entries, I thank you for your time, your love, and your loyalty. Many people have come and gone, but the faithful have been just that. It’s been a long journey, but so worth it in every way.

And FYI: I chopped it off today, my hair that is. My new MySpace pic is testament.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Around the Writer’s Block

Why is it so much easier to write something interesting when I’m depressed or angry than when I’m loving life? I guess it’s just easier to embrace life without trying to rationalize it when said life is going seemingly well. Or maybe emotions and circumstance have nothing to do with our creative inspiration.

No, that’s not it. It’s that blissful emotions are more weightless and fleeting than the intense feelings that accompany sadness and indifference. We don’t see the need to dwell on our happiness, and for good reason. We’re so busy living the good life that we don’t have time to reflect on or write about it. It’s not that we’re lacking inspiration; it’s that we are heavy in the ecstasy department and the euphoria distracts us.

What I still have to learn as a writer is how to continuously stay in the moment while bringing that ecstasy to the page. Until then, bring on the melancholy.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Finding Time to Focus

This past Saturday was a time to enjoy the long-awaited Spring weather that we’ve been enjoying in New York (except for today...FUCK WIND). Thanks to the efforts of J.S. and his hoity-toity Cannon SLR digital camera, I have some impressive photography to share with the world. You guessed it, you are one of the first to experience the latest work of J.O.S. & D.W.M. Feel honored, feel special, feel whatever you want to feel; just let me know your thoughts, or suffer the consequences. ‘Nuff said.

If you know what kind of flower this is you win a prize! *

How effing adorable?!*

Soccer along the East River, anyone?!*

Get it when you can, I always say!*

Panther and her owner. Poor panther!!

Gotta love Cannon! *

Under the Bleachers *

Up Close & Personal *

My Catalog Pic *

Once again, 'nuff said! *

Another Catalog Pic! **

Gazer **

Brilliant! **

No Here Means Many! **

Dirty Boy! *

I Think We Turn This Way! *

"It’s hard to focus when there are abundant distractions, but the result is definitely worth it." - DWM,2006

*taken by JOS
**taken by DWM