Dangerous Muse?!
Oh look, it’s 4/20. Happy Hashing!! I’m laying low tonight in favor of David-time and a fresh episode of The OC. Trust me, lame is the new fun!
So, I came to the realization today that I am going to be an extremely obese older man if I don’t soon change my lifestyle. No question. The caloric intake from alcohol alone will make me “lot to love” the second my metabolism puts on the brakes. And since it’s one of those things that could happen at any moment, although probably not for at least a few more years, I guess I have a choice to make.
a) start eating healthier
b) stop binge drinking
c) get into (better) shape
d) do none of the above
Let’s be honest: a & b are never going to happen, c would require more physical energy than I’ve exerted in ages, but d I can do! But I did decide to go jogging on the East River today to sweat off some pent-up toxins. And if I go jogging tomorrow, miracles do happen. I’ve been thinking about getting into yoga, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t like the reality near as much as I like the idea. I’m just one lazy bastard.
What’s my point? I don’t have one. Oh, and that “State of the Union” thing…it’s gonna have to wait ‘til the weekend. My brain’s still swimming after a long week of debauchery, climaxing last evening with (pun intended) me spilling two (count them 2) pre-paid adult beverages on my date. Break the ice, break the glass(es); same difference…right, Fast E?!
Shout-Out to Dangerous Muse:

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:30:00 AM
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Saturday, July 22, 2006 2:20:00 PM
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