...because each of us are always on the verge of the next big thing in our lives.

Friday, April 21, 2006

AIM Convo of the Week

You know those times when you're chatting online and you just feel the need to copy & paste part of your conversation. This was one of those times!

other_person (2:09:17 PM): I should have known something was up when we didn't have sex until our seventh date
davidwattsmiller (2:12:53 PM): 7th? wow...that almost could be considered courting!
other_person (2:14:43 PM): that's what got me...I was so flattered and felt so good about the direction things were going
other_person (2:14:53 PM): that I forgot I'm a gay man in teh city...so either he had some sort of disease or he was a psycho
davidwattsmiller (2:16:40 PM): when this guy told me he didn't drink, and wouldn't admit to being in AA, i had to let him go....i can't trust someone like that.
other_person (2:18:45 PM): know what's funny?
other_person (2:19:07 PM): I have one rule when I start dating someone: No matter how terrible the truth is, always come clean with me and we stand a good chance of getting over it and working things out
other_person (2:19:27 PM): I virtually give one get-out-of-jail free card...and yet people still are all about lying
davidwattsmiller (2:24:11 PM): can i steal your rule?
davidwattsmiller (2:26:25 PM): it's pretty smart....yeah, i'm stealing it
other_person (2:28:41 PM): sure...
other_person (2:28:43 PM): it's all yours
other_person (2:28:50 PM): I've got a million little treasures tucked away
other_person (2:28:57 PM): so back to your taint...
davidwattsmiller (2:29:02 PM): lol
davidwattsmiller (2:29:43 PM): mr. vague and dr. taint
davidwattsmiller (2:30:06 PM): what should the theme song be?
other_person (2:30:14 PM): I wonder what our signal would look like when the police commisioner need to get in touch with us
other_person (2:30:25 PM): hmm...the song has got to peg us exactly
other_person (2:33:49 PM): I'm torn between "I Want Your Sex" and "My Heart Will Go On"
davidwattsmiller (2:34:15 PM): nothing's coming to mind...i'm sure it will come to us at a bar while licking salt off each other.
other_person (2:34:51 PM): I'm onto at least one of your superpowers...
other_person (2:35:22 PM): the ability to distract...and awake sleeping creatures...with your words
davidwattsmiller (2:35:48 PM): lol
davidwattsmiller (2:36:43 PM): what can i say?! i have this thing with licking people....lol....my name is david, and i'm a licker
other_person (2:37:10 PM): welcome david
other_person (2:37:15 PM): the first step is admitting you have a problem
other_person (2:37:24 PM): the second step is practice, practice, practice until perfect
other_person (2:37:39 PM): and I, out of the kindness of my heart, would like to volunteer to be your sponsor
davidwattsmiller (2:38:29 PM): aw, that's so sweet....so where should i place the salt first, mr. sponsor?
other_person (2:42:48 PM): well, since you seem to have such a fondness for taint...
other_person (2:42:55 PM): I mean...
other_person (2:43:15 PM): no wait, that's exactly what I meant
other_person (2:43:53 PM): I'll only be in control for the first six, or seven months...after that, you'll need to start taking steps to place the salt where you want it

davidwattsmiller (2:44:16 PM): i see
other_person (2:44:32 PM): too much?
davidwattsmiller (2:44:56 PM): that would be my longest sponsorship ever!...lol
other_person (2:45:17 PM): then you obviously haven't found the right sponsor yet
davidwattsmiller (2:47:06 PM): it takes time, ya know....to find someone you lick, that licks you....and to keep licking that same person....
other_person (2:47:40 PM): and you have officially awoken the grizzly bear from hibernation
other_person (2:47:43 PM): good going Dr. Taint
other_person (2:47:55 PM): it does take time...and it can't be forced.
other_person (2:48:18 PM): but licking all over the city is absolutely nothign compared to licking the same person over and over again once you've found him
davidwattsmiller (2:48:42 PM): and sometimes it's good to force it!
davidwattsmiller (2:49:02 PM): because once you're in, you're in.
davidwattsmiller (2:49:09 PM): lol
other_person (2:52:00 PM): holy crap


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:30:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Saturday, July 22, 2006 2:20:00 PM


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