My Dick Detox: The First 100 Days

I prefer the word detox to drought, seeing as detox makes it sound like I have some control over the matter, while drought makes it sound like something bigger than me is keeping the dick out of my mouth and ass for a reason unknown to me.
When it comes to frequency of sexual encounters, “normal” (according to SATC wisdom) is halfway between WHAT YOU WANT and WHAT YOU CAN GET. I can’t seem to get laid, and I don’t seem to want to, so I guess this drought, I mean detox, is normal. And the detox seems to be going well in terms of affording me time to tear down some of the wall I’ve built up over the years. I still have a great deal of work to do before the people of East Berlin are allowed over without being shot, but with my own Ronald Reagan’s help I will get there. I’m not sure who Mr. Gorbachev is in my case, but I desperately need him to TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!
I’m afraid the groundhog has peaked out of his burrow to be scared shitless by his lingering shadow, but that simply means the quiet growth will take a while longer to manifest itself. I must admit this winter of discontent is quite intense. Everything feels dead, and if it’s only sleeping I can’t seem to remember what alive feels like. It may take six more weeks or it may take six more months, but the new season and new life will eventually come. I have to believe that.
Since the beginning of November, I’ve been recovering from my second real romantic relationship and it’s turned into arguably the messiest thing I’ve ever tried to clean up. I’m also left asking myself a very difficult question. Why would I ever want to go through this again? Why would I ever welcome the excruciating pain that comes with hurting another human being that I deeply care for? The answer is easy, but not easy to come to terms with. Because without taking risks you go through life only experiencing what you know, which can become just as excruciatingly familiar and equally painful.
If I’m being honest with myself, these past three months have felt more like a drought than a detox. Equal parts insecurity and indifference; too much animosity and anger; not enough direction and focus.
Where the drought is concerned, is it that the universe finally “gets me” and it’s in my corner by keeping me out of commission, or is it that the universe is cruelly punishing me for years of poor choices? I do still believe there’s a reason for everything, but I hate the thought of that reason taking so long to reveal itself.
There’s a lot to be said for staying out of trouble. And in my case, even more to be said for keeping trouble out of me.
If it’s nothing else, these 100+ days are serving as a chance for me to refresh my sexual outlook and my attitude toward the same sex in general. My hope is that I will make smarter choices in the future, in my life and in my bed.
Cheers to the big D!