It happens to everyone, the need to catch up on life!
And many of us push through the difficult times not realizing that when we choose to push through something it stays in our rearview mirrors and the chances are likely that we will encounter it again.
The past few days I’ve been experiencing some emotional vertigo and I don’t like it one bit. My life usually has a healthy taste of madness with a understood splash of psychosis, but the past few days have been nothing short of borderline insanity (neurosis with a capital Crazytown). I haven’t been myself, and it’s been quite obvious and even more aggravating.
I think it might have something to do with this skin irritation that has developed on my neck and on random other parts of my anatomy (diagnosed yesterday by the dermatologist as a skin infection, which I’m treating with antibiotics), but I believe that to be only a small part of the problem. A skin infection alone does not make a man this effing emotional!
I’m at a very pivotal point in my life right now. My current professional transition and personal evolution is seemingly converging to bring on a new strain of stress to which I’m learning to adapt.
All this, along with what promises to be a very active allergy season, has my body, mind and soul doing their best to maintain homeostasis.
As I’ve stated before on this blog, I believe the mind to be a very powerful thing. Many times it’s hard to control, but what’s imperative is that we at least try our best. Our best sometimes requires you to put on the brakes, allow yourself time to regenerate, and then push forward without having to push through so much debris.
Many of us can only afford a day, a day set aside for the health of our mind, our body, our spirit. But I believe that single day can do wonders in the fight against insanity, burnout and a never before experienced level of madness.
Speaking of madness,
check out this link. In the words of KBH (thanks for sharing), it’s too good not to share!

I'm off to regenerate! Ciao.