...because each of us are always on the verge of the next big thing in our lives.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Learning to Play the Blame Game

I’m quickly learning that most people in this life (or at least in this city) have no problem ducking out on responsibility. Whereas I have grown to acknowledge my assigned “workload” and take responsibility for my actions, many others are only comfortable passing the blame onto the people around them. Playing dumb is an art for these people. Laziness is a way of life, and unfortunately tolerated.

It’s definitely official. I care too much, and I’ve GOT to work on that. Overwhelming aggravation is an understatement when dealing with these apathetic crack babies, and I need to re-evaluate my position on the world-at-large immediately.

I’ve got to learn to care less and relax more at work, and to do the opposite when I escape from the salt mines. Whereas my professional life finally seems to be evolving into something palatable (aside from having to deal with lazy mo-fos), my social (and more specifically love) life has been taking a hit. Fact: I don’t make near enough to have my nights interrupted by disturbing dreams of missed deadlines and uncaught typos. And I’m way too young not to not take advantage of all the extracurricular activities this city has too offer, especially during the summer!

I seem to be in the midst of internal karma warfare (aka homeostasis). Just as my professional life seems to be getting on the right track (or at least A track), my personal life seems to have jumped the tracks completely. I’m sure I’m exaggerating, and it might seem that I’m passing the blame off on karma, but maybe this is just me trying to adapt to my surroundings!

Life is a headache. Accountability is bullshit. Cynicism still rules. Dignity is overrated. Karma is, and will forever be, a bitch to be reckoned with! I blame the universe. It owes me a break. If I don’t get one soon there’s going to be a mental health problem.

I’m just sayin…


Blogger about a boy said...

i have cheap rates if you ever want to talk.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007 3:33:00 PM

Blogger S said...

At least you get to sleep and dream about missed deadlines. I don't have the luxury of slumber.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 12:43:00 AM


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