The Bad, The Good, & The Yet to Come
I believe myself to be a recent victim of a sub-par haircut. Not that it looks terribly horrendous, but it’s not the best haircut I’ve ever had by far. But I also believe that it has the potential to eventually work itself out. And if it doesn’t get better with time, there’s always next time around, right?
We always hope that the next thing in our lives will be the best thing, but reality doesn’t always indulge us in that idea. It’s interesting to me how we as humans rate things. How do we know what bad is unless we have experienced the good? How do we know what good is unless we have experienced the bad?
Because, after all, everything is relative in this world: from food to alcohol, from beer to wine, from movies to television, from sex to relationships. There are so many different kinds of each, with none of them being created exactly equal.
I believe strongly that it is necessary to experience the bad in order to know and appreciate the good. Is the universe actually doing us a favor when it sends horrible experiences our way? Or is this just my jaded existence and tendency toward masochism showing through?
I think we must learn not only what the good is, but also how to recognize the great when it’s staring us in the face. Where the bad is concerned, I find it to be much easier to identify, with the worst being a little trickier. And where does the mediocre stuff come in, or should that even be allowed?
The only thing I know for sure is that the best is yet to come. I have no idea what form it might come in, or if it’s already here, but I hope to god I will be ready to accept it and think long and hard before fucking it up.
On a lighter and totally unrelated note, go see Little Miss Sunshine, a Sundance Indie about a family determined to get their young daughter into the finals of a beauty pageant. It involves a cross-country trip in a VW bus, and it will have you laughing out loud. I give it the Feel-Good-Movie-of-the-Summer award! It’s only a coincidence that the tagline for the film is “A Family on the Verge of a Breakdown”. :)

This movie definitely was one of the best I've seen this year. Olive's "Superfreak" dance number was da bomb!
I sooo wanna dress up as her and memorize that dance number for halloween. Hehe.
Monday, September 18, 2006 3:46:00 PM
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