Does Juggling Always Have to Be a One-Man Act?!
Juggling is an act that I’ve never been fond of…frankly, because I suck at it! I don’t mean juggling in the “keeping three balls simultaneously suspended in the air in front of my face” sense of the word (because I’m pretty damn good at that). I’m talking about the juggling of intangible things (i.e. relationships/boys).
I’ve found that much attention is paid in New York to the art of double booking. I’m not sure if it is necessary because we are such a fickle people, or if we do it because it makes us feel doubly important. One thing is for sure: many of us are always on the lookout for the next best thing, something we consider better than something we already have secured, something that could possibly ruin a good thing in hopes of coming out of the deal with a great thing.
In order to be more time efficient, and in order to counteract the impatience that many humans find intrinsic, many of us try to juggle multiple romantic relationships in hopes of ending up with the best one of the litter lasting the longest. It never works out that way! At least not for me.
I always end up fucking up all the leads I discover. And because I hate the starting-over process, I usually end up detoxing from the entire exhausting process for several weeks.
Why must it be all or nothing? Extremely busy or painstakingly bored, pathetically alone or awkwardly over-extended in the social arena; what does this damn universe have against happy mediums?!
I feel like my life is often overwhelmed by a whole lot of prospect, mixed with a morsel of romantic substance. But when that morsel turns into a lump of something great, the wait always seems well worth it.
We shall see where this morsel takes me and this blog…
Pic from the weekend:

(Another one of my rocks, my girl Bethesda)
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