X-Men Over-Power Box Office

Boy, do I know how to pick ‘em! X-Men: The Last Stand raked in $120 million plus at the box office this past weekend. I saw it on Friday night, and let’s just say it satisfied my needs. The only disappointment came after P & I did our popular culture duty and sat through all the credits to see what many hoity-toity pre-screeners promised was worth waiting for. After doing my research, I now know that it would have been SO much better if I was the die-hard fan I'd like to think I am!
Spoiler Alert:
According to the Marvel Directory:
"As a college student, Dr. Moira MacTaggart met Charles Xavier who was working toward a doctorate at Oxford University. The two fell in love with each other immediately and their romance lasted for years. Eventually they became engaged to be married, pending the annulment of her own marriage to Joseph MacTaggart. But then Xavier was drafted into the military. She promised to wait until he was released from military service. However, while he was recovering in a hospital from battlefield injuries, Xavier received a letter from Moira breaking off their engagement with out explanation and stating that she was returning, home to Scotland.
Joseph MacTaggart had proved to be a brutal husband, and finally, while they were in New York City, he beat and sexually assaulted her, causing her to be hospitalized for a week and leaving her pregnant. From then on Moira lived apart from her husband, although he refused to grant her a divorce, and she kept the fact that he had a son secret from him for twenty years.
Moira MacTaggart led a brilliant career as one of the world's leading geneticists, earning a Nobel Prize for her work. She founded a Mutant Research Center on Muir Island off the coast of Scotland. Eventually she renewed contact with Xavier during a period he spent in England working on a degree in psychiatry. Xavier and MacTaggart discussed the possibility of establishing a school for training, superhuman mutants in the use of their powers. Eventually, MacTaggart became Xavier's "silent partner" in founding this school, which trained the team of mutant adventurers known as the X-Men.
Moira died as a result of internal injuries caused by the destruction of the Muir Isle facility by Mystique and the Brotherhood of Mutants. Just prior, Moira had discovered the cure to the new strain of the Legacy Virus that Mystique had created; one that only infected humans. Moira clung on to life long enough to survive a trans-Atlantic flight to transfer that information to Charles, then died in his arms."
Her Strength Level: She possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.
Known Superhuman Powers: None
Other Abilities: She was one of the world’s leading geneticists and possessed special expertise in the study of superhumanly powerful mutants.

And a special shout-out goes to Hugh Jackman (aka Wolverine), whose arms are bigger than my waist, and who can inject me with his "cure" ANYTIME :)
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:54:00 AM
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