...because each of us are always on the verge of the next big thing in our lives.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Just When I Thought…

…I was the biggest commitment-phobe ever, T.R. proves me wrong!

Just when I thought I couldn’t be a bigger alcoholic, Malibu Manage Trois proves me wrong!

(and that was only Friday night) ;-)

Is it sad that I’m ecstatically proud of myself for only having two cocktails last night, followed by nothing but 7-Up (and the smell of illegal narcotics)?! That was a rhetorical question that I already know the answer to…the answer is Yes. It was quite interesting, however, to experience the (in)famous Roxy in it’s rawest form (aka Sober). And I’ve come to a conclusion that I should stay home one Saturday night and wait until the Roxy is packed, and then sign on to gay.com and meet some quality specimens that found the need not to subject themselves to that nastiness. Don’t get me wrong, I heart Roxy like I heart the University of Mobile; I wouldn’t trade some of the memories I’ve had there for the world, but if I never go back my heart will go on!

Last night was spent with E.L & T.S., my good friends from Beantown that I actually met at the Roxy shortly after moving to NYC in early 2004. They are a gay couple that give me hope for eventually finding someone to settle down with. Not that I’m at all ready to settle down, or even commit to anything more than a couple cocktails and a night out at the theatre, but it’s good to know that true love is still alive and not just a myth.

Where as most couples make me (want to) vomit in my mouth, there are always those few-and-far-between couples that touch a very sacred part of my heart; the part that is guarded with an iron-fist and that will (maybe) someday see the light of day.

Programming Note:

One week until I start my new gig!! Correction: my official title will be Office Services Assistant, a more professional wording that will give them the liberty to have me sort mail when I’m not setting up the crepe station or pouring Richard Kirshenbaum a martini! Actually, I was promised that I would never have to “serve”, but the advertising industry is full of a lot of empty promises so I’m keeping a realistic view of the situation! :-)

Who’s got pictures to share?! Click on the title of this post to be satisfied visually by a flashback to my sister's visit>>>


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