Katrina: 2 years later / David: 25 years later
Last Sunday I turned the big two-5, and it’s been doing quite a number on my psyche. Nervous breakdown plus quarter-life crisis, with a splash of chronic self esteem issues. A great mix for a suicide watch!
As some of you know, I spent my birthday (the Labor Day holiday) weekend in New Orleans for what has become a tradition of sorts commemorating my first appearance on the scene. Southern Decadence is always a great time…and the name says it all. But this Decadence may have been my last for a while! I’m sure that’s just the physical, mental and spiritual hangover talking, but nonetheless I’m left with mixed feeling about the weekend.
It probably wasn’t the best idea to lead-in with a visit with my fam in Alabama. It always tends to catapult me into a nasty rut. Maybe next year I should follow decadence with a detour to see the fam, instead of this year’s vice versa.
(the following was written the day I returned from N’awlins)
I hate what I’m feeling right now.
Empty, yet full (of toxic energy).
Slightly used, but mostly useless.
Lost in an emotional Bermuda Triangle of confusion and uncertainty,
with no where else to go except closer and closer to my glass ceiling.
Change is imperative, but change comes at a cost.
My next step is to discern what that cost is and if I’m willing to pay it.
(the end)
These are seemingly desperate times in need of incredibly desperate measures. The question(s) needs to be asked:
What the hell am I doing (here/with my life)? And what do I want to do when (and if) I ever grow up and get serious about life, love, and the pursuit of goddamn happiness in a world full of people trying to bring and keep you down in order for themselves to get ahead?
Oh, where do I begin?!
While I contemplate the next 5, 10, 20 years of my life, you can enjoy some pics from the goings-on since I last posted (yes, I’ve got to be better about frequency):
I finished my scrapbook of my first 3 years here in NYC. I’m quite proud of it, and it will probably be the jumping-off point for my slightly-fictional-memoir.

Mikey D & Blakey F’s visit was a success, complete with a complementary night stay at the Waldorf-Astoria and my Birthday Brunch at Essex.
My girl Katie left the city life to pursue her Nashvegas dreams. I'll miss you like 90210 bitch.
And I got flowers! More on this as the story develops.
Until next time...
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