The Boys of Summer (TV) are Gone
The hit of the summer was, of course So You Think You Can Dance’s third season. Season 2’s Benji’s sister Lacey and Travis’ adopted brother Danny both made it into the top 4, but neither had what it took to steal the title away from the well-deserving Sabra.
The guy rounding out the top 4 was one of my summer crushes, Neil Haskell. The 20-year-old stole my heart away with his smile even before his shirt came off! Random fact - he has a twin that doesn't dance at all. Can we say Abercrombie poster?!

Then there was the cute ABC Family drama Kyle XY about a mysterious orphan/teenager, without a belly button, who is taken in by a social worker and her family. Kyle proves to possess superhuman powers, and of course the bad guys are after him. In the show's sophomore season, the female version of Kyle (Jesse) showed up to stir up some trouble, and I of course have developed a crush on Declan (played by Chris Olivero), the (now ex)boyfriend of the daughter (Kyle’s faux-sister). Chris is a 22-year-old hottie married to actress Alexandra Picatto as of 2006. I couldn’t find a picture online of this bitch to save my life. F*** her!

Is it just me, or am I getting old? All this deliciousness is 22-or-younger and are already d-list celebrities. Life is, confirmed, not fair! But I digress…
I’m sad to see them go (we’ll have to wait ‘til 2008 for these guys', as well as the boys of Entourage's return), but am wildly excited about this Fall. Shows I’m looking forward to:
Mondays -
Prison Break with the hot brother duo (9/17, 8pm EST on Fox)
Weeds is already well underway (10pm EST on Showtime)
Tuesdays –
House with our favorite fake American accent douchebag (9/25, 9pm EST on Fox)
Wednesdays -
Private Practice with the gorgeous Kate Walsh (9/26, 9pm EST on ABC)
Gossip Girl with hot people in general (9/19, 9pm EST on the CW) &
Dirty Sexy Money with that girl from the OC (10pm EST on ABC)
Thursdays –
Ugly Betty with a new love interest for the gay assistant (9/27, 8pm EST on ABC)
Grey’s Anatomy with the new crop of interns (9/27, 9pm EST on ABC)
The Office with it's stellar comedic cast (9/27, 9pm EST on NBC)
Big Shot with that delicious Dylan McDermott (9/27, 10pm EST on ABC)
Fridays -
Friday Night Lights, appropriately moving to Friday nights (10/5, 9pm EST on NBC)
Saturdays –
this is where I either go out and get f***ed up, or catch up on my DVR! SNL debuts 9/29, so that will be on my calendar as well.
Sundays -
Brothers & Sisters with Kevin finally getting with Senator McAllister's brother (9/30, 10pm EST on ABC)
And then there’s the new gay couple on Wisteria Lane, but whatever.
In other news -
One Tree Hill will be back in January on Wednesdays for its 5th go (22 new episodes) after fast-forwarding four years and all the "kids" being in different parts of the country. October Road is fortunately also scheduled to be coming back midseason.
Sadly, I predict the biggest failure of this coming season to be K-Ville. Set in New Orleans, where the remains of Hurricane Katrina still lay, K-Ville centers on the NOPD as they try to reclaim and rebuild the city. Borrr-ing!
Oh well, here's to a happy & healthy new TV season. Hopefully all the programming goodness with help me stay in more and save some green. Oh, and I'm thinking about buzzing my hair again. More on that next time.
DWM out.
It's not fair that ABC stopped airing episodes of Kyle X/Y and Greek. There is no ABC Family up here. Sucks.
Sunday, September 16, 2007 9:59:00 AM
hello!? HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2! That Zac Efron might be 12, but I'd spread him like cheese on a ritz cracker!
Monday, September 17, 2007 10:10:00 AM
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