It’s So Good To Be (Going) Back!
It’s always interesting to return to the scene of the crime, especially when the scene of the crime is Miami Fucking Beach! That is where I first became a fugitive of LA (Lower Alabama). I made my escape the week before the first week of 2004, driving the 700 plus miles that it took to bridge the gap between a past that I was anxious to abandon and a future that I could never had predicted.
I’ve decided to withhold my travel plans from my family for their own good, as well as for the good of my sanity. Miami isn’t really the place that makes them warm and fuzzy inside. Not only am I going to the city that first took me from them, but my vacation is also taking me away from time I could be spending with them. Although they would probably be upset/disappointed (what else is new) at my vacation location, what they don’t understand (besides me) is that a family “vacation” is not a real vacation! And this boi needs a VACATION!
Their main concern when I moved down there over three years ago was the infamous reputation that Miami has gained for heavy drug-use and trafficking. Little did they know that the heavy gay-use and cruising is what I was more interested in. The truth is I don’t trust myself with drugs (no, Mom, alcohol is not a drug). And although I don’t trust myself with men either, it’s become much easier for me to recover from one bad hit of man than one bad hit of some of the other recreational drugs that the gays (as a true stereotype) are drawn to.
So it’s crazy to think that this will be my first time back to SoBe, especially since several of the peeps I attended MAS (Miami Ad School) with have since been back two or three times. It’s crazier to think of how different a person I am today as when I arrived their at the age of 21, still coming to terms with my sexuality and the world outside of the Gulf Coast. I was quite reserved in the gay sense of the word, only going out to a gay club a small handful of times. I never hooked up with a guy, and I don’t even think I made-out with one (this sounds ludacris in my mind right now). Another truth is that I didn’t like the gay vibe there at all. Very old, very gym rat, very much what I don’t think I would mind now at all. I said back then that I could see myself retiring there, but never making a life there for myself before 40. Many of the older gentleman that I was once intimidated by, with probably become some of my biggest crushes this time around.
I can taste the mojitos already and can’t wait to get some sun on this skinny pale body!
Wet with Anticipation,
P.S. here are some pics from back in the day (MIA ’04); it seems like FOREVER ago!

you are so cute. i hate that i just used that word but its true. you are.
Monday, March 05, 2007 1:28:00 PM
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