Movin’ On
I took the day off of work today in order to be totally unproductive! Days like these are great for such things as sleeping late, vegging out, & catching up on your back-logged TiVo recordings!
This has also been designated as the day that I give some deep thought to the current state of mind I find myself in. Self Diagnosis:Deeply Conflicted. That’s how I feel about my childhood, my relationship with my family, and my current career aspirations (the latter will be discussed at a later date).
Our lives are made up of various different support systems.You are born into a family, then you acquire friends, and along the way random other means of support are incurred. Life is a cycle of give and takes. “Life is a random lottery of meaningless tragedies and a series of near escapes” (Ethan Hawke in Reality Bites). To say that any of us are not self-centered to some degree would be bullshit. We all look out for Number One a vast majority of the time. And we all expect something from someone at some point. A large part of our lives has to do with obligation. We are unconsciously bound to certain people and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But if you don’t give, you can’t expect to take!
I no longer am dependent on my family financially. And if they aren’t going to give me emotional support, which would involve accepting my homosexuality to some degree, then what do they have to offer me? Is it their love? “How do you bounce back when reality batters your belief system and love does not, as promised, conquer all” (Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex & the City). I can hear the three words over and over again, but there comes a place in time when someone’s love is just not enough!
The question on deck: Are they disposable? The same Carrie Bradshaw once said, “The past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be.” Will it be anchors away or all hands on deck?! The next few weeks will be extremely telling. If my family finds me and my sexuality to be irrelevant, we have an interesting road ahead of us (if I chose to take it).
One point that I would like to point-out to the people reading this that are still conflicted by my coming-out is this: I haven’t been running from this (my homosexuality). I’ve been carrying it around for my whole life. It’s ridiculous that I come from a place and time where it was, and still is, unacceptable to be whom you truly are.
On a deeper note, the state of my spirituality is uncertain at the moment. I have some issues to work out, seeing as the first twenty-one years of my life were spent learning that I am hated by God. And before anyone says, “He hates the sin, not the sinner,” that’s not the overwhelming subliminal message put out by the religious Nazis I grew up around. And I don’t want to blame my current state of mind on anyone or anything, but it seems the easiest cope mechanism at the moment!
Right now, I’m thirsty for as much perspective as I can get. I’m now exactly sure how I’m going to approach my family face-to-face, but the support many of you have offered up gives me great strength and will not soon be forgotten!
I would like to apologize for the moments of unoriginality in this posting, but I have no problem with gleaming knowledge from other great writers. Learning from the knowledge of others is nothing to be ashamed of. Some of my greatest knowledge came from the triumphs, trials, and mistakes of others! And as you may have noticed, I have made a conscious decision to tone down the profanity on my blog due to the sensitized ears of a segment of its readership.
Until next time, keep it real, bitch!! :-)
:)I have to admit that the language and harsh perspective that you have of us Mobilians has made me cringe and even gasp at times. It may be very simple minded of me to think that profanity never exited the mouth of David Watts before but the fact that you have pre-judged us and our opinions of you does hurt me. I opted to write here instead of a personal e-mail because I wanted you to know I am reading and its addictive. the more I read.... the more I am tempted to read. Partly because I have a very nosey side but another reason is I dont watch that much tv ( no time really...)and this is so much more interesting.
Just because we may not agree with your decision doesnt mean that we are judging you. I pray for you because that is who I am, and NOT BECAUSE I AM IGNORANT AND HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED BY... Oh, what was it..... Some kind of Nazi... anyway. Many of the professors at UM wouldnt even agree that I was praying to the same God.... Me being Catholic now....... David, It would hurt me greatly to think that you think me ignorant..... I would like you to clarify. Do you think all of us who are still currently holding residence in the bible belt ignorant, Just because we dont live in that "Wonderful city". I would like to know what great life lesson you have learned there, that makes you think that we are all lacking brains and insight. I will stop now. maybe I should not have taken it personally but for those bloggers out there who are not in or around the south, you have painted a tainted picture and perspective.
I would like to speak with you. Call me if you can find time in that busy schedule of yours.
Take care of your self
Friday, April 22, 2005 4:15:00 PM
I just realized that I don't have a contact number for you anymore. :-( Please shoot it to me in an email or feel free to call me.
Friday, April 22, 2005 4:33:00 PM
So, I've finally decided to comment on all that I've been reading here lately. To those of you who don't know me, my name is Danielle. I became friends with David during my year and a half at the University of Mobile. I am a Christian. I believe that some people are born heterosexuals and some people are born homosexuals. I believe that sexual identity has nothing to do with one's ability to have a relationship with Jesus.
It seems to me that UM did a good job of teaching us one thing while we were there - "God CAN'T use you." I know that's the message I got. You and I both know now that it's BULL@*#$. Unfortunately, it seems to be the message that a lot of you are advertantly or inadvertantly sending David.
My thoughts here are for David, but more importantly, for all of the former Rams from UM. First of all, I want to address all the "support" and "love" that's been coming from everyone. I know your intentions are truly good; but when you say I love you and then make a condescending remark about "going through a phase" or needing to "fight it with all you've got" and the need to come back to God like some kind of stray sheep - - the actions are just not supporting the words here. Statements with this condescending tone make the "I love yous" seem cheap and conditional.
I want to encourage all of you to support David and other gay people in your lives by educating yourselves and by getting to know people of all lifestyles around you. Please check out these websites. and The first one gives some really good information about our faith and homosexuality. The second is just a good base to support friends of gay, lesbian, and transgendered lifestyles. Educate yourselves with an open mind and an open heart.
Sunday, April 24, 2005 3:27:00 PM
I just wanted to tell you that being one of the people who has been insanely hooked on reading this that I am absolutely sorry that you would ever have to go through such rejection no matter what... Just wanted to reassure you that if someone doesn't like you, fuck them, "Don't hate me because of who I am hate me because you can't be more like me" and I don't mean that everyone should be gay, I mean that most people don't have the balls to go out and find what's right for them. Coming from someone else that left Mobile, I understand where you are coming from with the, I'm making myself better, and most can't handle it. I wanted to let you know that the week Mel and I spent up there was going to be one of the best memories of my life, not because of the city exactly, but because you are an awesome and fascinating person that I fell in love with so quickly, hence my frequently posed question "can we keep him?" :) Just wanted to let you know... I'm not praying for you, but you are in my thoughts, and I LOVE who you are.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:54:00 PM
Hey Cuz,
I love your blog. I like how you can be real with the world around you and then they can just judge you! You know I love you. I am sorry to hear of your spiritual internal conflict. Many of us encounter times of questioning. And, because I know Aunt Audra and Uncle Daryl quite well, I understand your fears in letting them in on your secret. You have been brought up one way and you have chosen to live in opposition to what you have learned. But, keep in mind that your family loves you and regardless of what you tell them, they will still love you. Maybe not at first...I am just kidding. The same is true with God. It doesn't matter how far you go, He is still going to love you. Hate the sin, not the sinner, you are right, but the very fact that you are suffering and strugging shows that you know the absoulte truth in the eyes of God. You are who you are, a man created by God. Introspection is going to help you determine what you need to do. And in the end, you will be accountable. You are loved by many, regardless of your lifestyle.
Always your fav cuz,
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 6:17:00 PM
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