...because each of us are always on the verge of the next big thing in our lives.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


I would just like to know what kind of spineless bastard would post a comment on my blog and not sign their goddamn name to it?! (explicits meant for emphasis!)

This blog is not a place for you to force your belief system(s) on me. This blog is a place where I rant about my life...and you either place an original comment that you didn't hear in Sunday School or stay the fuck out of my goddamn business! (again, for emphasis)

It's as simple as this: If you want to convert the masses, get your own blog!

On a lighter note, I would like to send a shout-out to all the people out in this big beautiful world that have offered up words or support and encouragement as I am dealing with the bullshit that comes with growing up in the Bible Belt. You are my true friends and your love means the world to me! Thank you!

And on an even lighter note, click the link below for a strong recommendation for your next outing to Blockbuster!

Hollaback Girl!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to point out something to you not learned in Sunday school, but learned in the everyday life in the real world. True friends will not give you blanket support or encouragement just to keep you happy or to remain your friend. True friends will hold you accountable for the way you live your life morally and ethically. They will do this at the risk of losing the friendship in order to keep you from making mistakes in life that will follow you eternally.
And for the person that loved you and was concerned enough to help you find your way back to God, you should be thankful. God will run to you as the father did the prodigal if you will just make the first move back to Him. He loves you that much.
Why do you do as Paul did and kick against the prick of the Holy Spirit? The Spirit would not prick your heart if God didn't love you and want you to turn back to Him.
You seem to strike out verbally and very harshly aginst God each time someone shows concern for you and tries to lead you back home.Please consider you actions and words and remember that God loves you just as you are, but loves you too much to leave you this way. He wants you to come back to Him.
Remember, true friends will hold you accountable for life's decisions.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 1:25:00 AM


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