Why I Have Brought You Here.
This weekend was a monumental one for me. It included various happenings from cleaning my apartment, to having drinks with friends, to coming out to my parents. If you’re not quite sure what part of that agenda caused this weekend in my life to be labeled monumental, I’ll help you out. I finally told my parents that I am a flaming homosexual (using less offensive terminology, of course).
At this point you are thinking at least one (or some variation) of the following:
a) You’re what?
b) What did they say?/How are you?
c) It’s about damn time!
For any individual with any variation of choice “c” currently in his or her thought bubble, I would like to extend a heart-felt f*** you (but thanks for the support)! Realistically, that is probably the most appropriate response, seeing as I’ve been keeping this secret from them for a psychologically unsafe length of time! But with this new development comes a newly found desire to explore and acknowledge my emotions in a new format. Hence this blog!
For all of you who aren’t familiar with this phenomenon which has been sweeping the nation for some time now, a definition:
Blog – (n) a shared on-line journal; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page.
Since I’m now a New Yorker (I had my one-year anniversary on March 23), I have an incredible muse. This city that I love so much has taught me a great deal about life already. And I can’t wait to see what it has in store for me in the future. This blog will be an outlet for ranting, raving, and rehashing my experiences, emotions and emphatic obsession with alliteration! Feel free to comment or, if so inclined, start a blog of your own. Cheers.
Holler! And welcome to my online world honey!! Be careful...for it is an addictive, dangerous world. =)
I'm proud of you, and I know mama papa miller love you very very much. I'm so glad you are here to experience this awesomely dreadful city with me! Cheers to verlaine, job hunting (NOT), and many more memories together. Love ya!
Tuesday, April 05, 2005 10:06:00 AM
Millah...wow, what to say now...? Call me and let me know how your parents took everything. I know that you had some guts to do that...did your mom cry? What did your sister say? Call me soon!
- Lori
Tuesday, April 05, 2005 1:33:00 PM
In the last year I have seen you embrace every moment of life and take every piece of bullshit by the horns and throw it to the side. It has been truly awesome, and you inspire me beyond words. I look forward to reading your blog and hearing your daily adventures.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005 11:53:00 PM
My lil David ...... we talked on the phoine and i told you how proud i am ..... but i figured i would post it to .... you are friend forever.... we have been through alot ...... you consistantly make me proud ...... see ya.... one day ... chance
Wednesday, April 06, 2005 10:23:00 AM
The emphasis on the "F*** you" (but thanks for the support)can be said by me as well. Except, I knew you were a fag & nobody would believe me... "Oh, he's just femanine... he's sweet... he's just not a typical boy." And they were right. You are a boy that likes things in the bum so YOU AREN'T TYPICAL. Keep your gay butt out of Alabama & stay with your new Fudging family.
Thursday, April 07, 2005 12:17:00 PM
I just want you to be happy with yourself! I will support you no matter what...I love you and miss you terribly. Can't wait to see you in the near future (hopefully). I hope that you mark your calendar for spring of next year, you will be dancing with me...When I will be getting married!! Love you...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:34:00 PM
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