...because each of us are always on the verge of the next big thing in our lives.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

If the random comments left on my blog by some Anonymous character (which sounds alot like how my mother's ghost writer would write!) are any indication of how my trip to Mobile is going to be, I better make a therapist appointment for May 9th (the afternoon I get back to NY).

I just need to say this: I know who my true friends are, and Mr. Anonymous isn't one!
But the good (i'm stretching) news is that I will be visiting the MOB the beginning of May. My
flight itinerary for all you stalkers out there who would like to reserve a seat next to me:

This would be a perfect segway into a discussion about something I got to thinking about last
night: There is a time when you must move away from the bad to receive the better. This mantra can be applied to EVERY aspect of a person's life. I've always been a strong believer in the philosophy that whatever the universe brings you, the universe will bring you through. But I do think that we have to be proactive to some degree. And I have learned that complacency can tear us up inside and change often scares the hell out of us!

I fear that many people from my hometown of Mobile will never be able to really know who they truly are due to the fact they will always have limited perspective. And without sufficient
perspective you can't have insight. I was fortunate enough to have a hunger for something more
than what was given to me. I was proactive and got a taste of what this universe had/has to offer me outside of Mobile.

Someone I met soon after I moved to NYC introduced me to Rousseau's Noble Savage Myth, which goes something like this: Men in a state of nature do not know good and evil, but their independence, along with “the peacefulness of their passions, and their ignorance of vice”, keep them from doing ill.
My take on this is that some people are genuinely happy with their situation due to their own
ignorance. There's no doubt that I am, and have always been, plagued with the knowlege of what else is "out there" and most inhabitants of smaller cities do not have this disease.
Ignorance is bliss, and sometimes knowledge can be lethal. But I will gratefully embrace the misery that comes with knowledge.

On a lighter and completely unrelated note, go Carrie Underwood. And congrats to One Tree Hill lovebirds Chad Michael Murray and Sophia Bush who tied the knot Saturday at the Casa del Mar Hotel in Santa Monica, California. The bride wore Vera Wang and the groom donned Ralph Lauren.

Yes, I'm insane!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey David,
Send me a personal email so that I know you got this. I will email you back and send you my NEW cell number. I really need to talk to you. Sober up and email me! Miss you and will talk to you later.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 4:10:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please know that you are much loved and missed in Mobile. Your friends here are praying for you. You have taught me so much about God and serving the Lord that I know, you know that you will not be persecuted by your friends. We are all sinners and although we may not agree with the life you are leading right now, we still love you. We are all sinners! Do you remember the story of when Jesus was brought the woman who was caught in the act of adultery? Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." We all love you and would never hurt you. But as much as we love you, God loves you evenmore!!!

You must remember these things. Don't you understand that we are all hurting for you so much right now? Go home to the Lord so he can work all His wonders through you. He has such awesome plans for you! Let Him use you for His purpose. How wonderful that would be! I love you!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 4:23:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey babe!
Since everyone is throwing their "2 cents" in, I thought I would too. You really need to quit whatever job you are doing now and write. Write books, magazine articles, internet pieces, whatever strikes you...just write. You are amazing, and I love to read all of your blogs {even though some of the language is a little harsh for my sheltered life style :) } Cass says she feels like she is reading something from "The Great Gatsby" and I totally agree!

Anyways, I can't wait to come up there in June. We definately have to get together sometime and hang out. Call me when you come home in May too. We should get together then! I love you buddy and can't wait to see you again!


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:18:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok..so it took me a little while to figure out how to post a comment on this thing...i cant believe i found something that may actually be too "high tech" for me to do. so GO CARRIE! Hopefully she will have better luck than Clay did on the show, even though, just as we long ago predicted, Clay proved to be much more successful even without the big W! Well, Dave...I sure miss you down here. While you may find resistance and negativity while you are here, most of us will be excited to see you because we love you and miss you! And while I am dissappointed that we will be cancelling our wedding (you included that pic to rub it in even more didnt you), I guess Stephean can now rest assured that he doesnt have to worry about that "other man in my life". I love you and miss you and will be praying for you. And Hali, Elizabeth, and I say: We better see you in the Adm Office while you are here or you will be in big trouble. Lunch is on us! Love ya!

P.S. Hali says hi b/c she doesnt know how to work this thing!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:27:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey little boi
Well to start I am sorry it has taken me this long to respond. Can we start with WTF (I abbreviated due to the sensitive ears/eyes we have monitoring this blog). Ok so, yes we all love David and want what’s best, but who else besides David knows what’s best for him? NO ONE!! David you are a grown man (hahaha, sorry)...making your life full of every thing you desire. You are a smart individual who makes wise decisions and best of all you have learned from others mistakes and prevented a lot of those lessons many would rather not encounter. Point being... many see your/our lifestyle “wrong”.. but forget them, it’s your life and if they want to be part of it they’ll open there minds up to it and SUPPORT YOU as friends/family (as you know if they don’t...it’s not worth the stress). I am proud you can be yourself and most importantly be happy with who you are!!!

Also.. Praying for someone to change who they are (HOW MISSED UP IS THAT)... Sorry to be the one to break the news.. but IT DOESN'T WORK!!! The chances are... there will be a pill invented to make “gays” “straight” before a prayer is going to change someone’s sexual interest.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:50:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Millah! How I miss you. Reading your brilliant banter in this blog has made me reminisce of days gone by...can we say Underground Rampage? Wow, those were the days. And I'm very saddened by the fact that I will be in Orlando visiting Catt when you are in Mobile. Otherwise I would drive down to see you! I'll e-mail you and chat more later. Love you! --M.J.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:45:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

From "the spineless bastard" as you put it...

I would like to say my first post WAS GOING to be my last… make my point & leave. But since you felt the need to say something again, fuck you and pay attention.

Chances are good that my last posting IS a direct reflection of how your trip to Mobile will be. You are not wanted here. Your pastry baking buddies aren’t either. In fact Mr. Garretson, why don’t you and Mr. Slave go to Canada instead? I hear the Frenchies love a good rectum rub. How sad it must be for your parents, to see their son become a fairy. I hope when you leave Mobile you are walking funny. Not because Wet Willie forgot the KY Jelly, but because your father puts a foot in your ass. You say going to New York has brought you more knowledge. I say if taking one in the dookie shoot is a learning process, you can keep it.

This will be my final visit to your blog. I remain anonymous because, while speaking for myself, I convey the true thoughts of many here & most that know you. I’m not trying to “change the masses,” we are the masses. Remember that as you venture here as part of the vast minority. Bitch.

Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:20:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It boggles the mind how ignorant people are. This of course goes to the anonymous individual preaching about what's right and wrong. All I have to say is (and they will read this, cause they will be back), this person must not hold his beliefs very strongly or else why be anonymous. This person needs their own coming out event and needs to stop being a hypocrite. For someone so pure and without sin, they sure curse a lot. Since this person is all about the bible belt, let me give you a little bible quote: Let he who is without sin, throw the first stone. and also:therefore has the Lord said: "Judge not, that ye be not judged: for with what judgment ye shall judge, ye shall be judged.

yep im a faggot too and damn proud, and I really feel sorry for this person ..what a sad life.

Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:26:00 PM


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