...because each of us are always on the verge of the next big thing in our lives.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Perfect Strangers

There are some things in this world that have an interesting way of connecting all human beings together. A few of those things are music, witty banter & just the right amount of alcohol.

We also all, at one point or another, have gotten invited to a random party where our biggest expectations are free booze and decent conversation. But not often do you end up leaving these over-hyped celebrations of the lives we lead with a new-found fondness for first meetings. Rarely do you walk away taking with you a substantial amount of substance gleamed from one (or more) of the other party-goers. Or at least that’s my experience!

We never expect to find anything significant or profound in the random apartment we decide to show up at, especially when we think of the hundreds (maybe thousands) of other house parties going on at the exact same time across the City.

But once every other blue moon or so, a connection is made, the synapses fire at just the right rate, and the brain cells you have remaining stop floating around for just long enough to settle on something (or someone) that they find worth focusing on.

And the question at hand becomes whether or not that those beats in the background, the sharp wordplay being volleyed back and forth, and/or the differing amounts of metabolized substances in your systems will be able to sustain the relationship [word used loosely] until the time comes for you to use the 10 digits that were so discretely slipped into the pocket of your new jeans. You hope for the best, hoping specifically that you don’t taint what was just conceived by allowing your mind to get tangled up in the web of relational euphoria and the anticlimactic nature of your current reality. But that’s just you being dramatic!

And while the slip-in-the-pocket is only one scenario on an ever-growing list of infinite possibilities, one fact remains the same. There’s nothing quite like a first meeting that’s immediately destined for a second. A fresh face in a sea of familiarity, a new venture in a volatile marketplace, an unmarked territory that will fit perfectly in your rearview mirror; these are all thing that we as humans look forward to, and the best is when they fall in our unsuspecting laps.

So I say carry on, do something unexpected, and don’t take good music, witty banter or tasty alcohol for granted. But do take full advantage of the fun they can afford you.

Yes, I had to post this pic. Gotta love Balki Bartokomous & his "Cousin" Larry :)

If you've got 30 seconds, why don't you take a stroll down memory lane! You can thank me later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you met someone special

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:01:00 PM


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