DWM To TWU: WTF & Go Fuck Yourselves

I had a strong feeling it wasn’t going to be an easy day at the office after walking past a
church on Houston and noticing the baby Jesus was missing from the Nativity scene. Is nothing sacred, you Jesus-stealing bitches?!
Yes, it was one of those long walks where you have to make sure the expression on your face is presentable since it freezes after about 10 blocks.
Long day short: I was volunteered to play receptionist from 8 to 6, finished my Chrismakkuh shopping on the long walk home, and am WORN THA FUCK OUT after cleaning my apartment this evening.
Let’s hope this strike ends by Thursday when I need to get to the airport (since I was planning to save some Benjamin’s by hopping the bus to Laguardia) because I am not above or below torching Roger Toussaint’s ass.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:53:00 AM
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